Registration for Cash Payout Scheme went smoothly on the first day

     Registration for the Cash Payout Scheme went smoothly on the first day and public response was enthusiastic, the Government said today (June 21).

     As at 5pm today, about 2 million people submitted electronic registrations through the 21 banks participating in the Scheme and about 8 000 people submitted electronic forms through the Hongkong Post website.

     In addition, special arrangement has been made under which about 1 000 bank branches and 120 post offices over the territory opened from 9am to 5pm today to facilitate the submission of paper registration forms. Registration by paper form will be conducted by three batches according to date of birth. The first batch (i.e. people born in 1955 or before) may submit registration starting from today. People may put completed paper registration forms into drop-in boxes at banks/post offices or mail them to GPO Box No. 182020. The Government spokesman said that people registered in the first two weeks will receive payment or notification for cheque collection simultaneously from around July 20. Therefore, people do not need to rush for registration in the first days or submit registrations in person.

     The Government spokesman stressed that registering electronically through banks to receive payment by bank transfer is the fastest and most convenient, and also the quickest way to receive payment. For electronic registrations submitted through banks before end of this month, payment will be deposited simultaneously into the bank accounts specified by the registrants from around July 8. For electronic registrations submitted on or after July 1, registrants will receive payment around one week after registration.

     Registration for the Scheme is open until December 31, 2021.

     The public may visit the website of the Scheme ( or call 18 2020 for detailed information on the Scheme.