Registration and Electoral Office clarifies that no electors have lost their registration status as electors due to replacement of identity cards

     In response to online circulation and newspaper reports that registered electors have lost their registration status due to issues with the Immigration Department (ImmD)'s computer system in the course of replacement of smart identity cards, the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) made the following clarifications:

(1) The REO confirms that no registered electors have lost their registration status as electors due to the replacement of smart identity cards.

(2) From December 27, 2018, to May 31, 2019, a total of about 280,000 electors had, in the course of replacing their smart identity cards, authorised the ImmD to transfer their particulars to the REO for the purpose of updating the registers of electors. The REO was notified on June 3 that due to technical issues with the ImmD's computer system, data of only 50,000 electors had been transferred from the ImmD to the REO. The ImmD later transferred the data of the remaining 230,000 electors to the REO on June 5.

(3) The REO is in the process of checking comprehensively the electors' particulars transferred by the ImmD. If the particulars differ from those shown in the register of electors, the REO will contact the electors concerned through different means (including letter, telephone or email) to verify and update their registered particulars in the register of electors. The relevant work is in progress. The REO emphasises that the status of registered electors will not be revoked unilaterally. As at June 17, the REO had finished conducting checks against the particulars of about 20,000 electors. In accordance with the checking results, the registered addresses of about 10 per cent of the checked electors require updating. If electors are in doubt, they may log in to the Online Voter Information Enquiry System ( anytime to check their registration status and particulars, or contact the REO for enquiries.

(4) The REO calls on electors who have received letters from the REO requesting them to update their registered addresses to respond as instructed in the letter and provide the requisite documents. The REO will also remind and assist the affected electors to change their registered addresses from August 1 to 25 (i.e., from the publication of provisional registers of electors until the end of public inspection), with a view to updating the particulars in the registers of electors in time for the District Council Election to be held this year. This notwithstanding, if the addresses could not be updated in time, the affected electors can still vote in their original constituencies.

     The REO attaches great importance to the accuracy and integrity of the particulars of registered electors. The REO will continue to, through various channels, remind registered electors to report change of registration particulars and to submit address proof upon application for change of registered address. The REO also appeals to all who are eligible to register as electors through various publicity channels.