Recycling update at the Riverside Recycling Centre #dundeewestend

A number of residents have queried with me why currently you cannot recycle cardboard at the Riverside Recycling Centre.

I raised this with environment management at the City Council and the Assistant Waste Services Manager has advised :

“The current waste acceptance restrictions at the two recycling centres and the reasons for them are detailed here.

Due to the requirements for social distancing, both Riverside (two zones) and Baldovie (three zones) are running at significantly reduced capacity. 

As pretty much every resident has access to a paper/cardboard kerbside or communal bin, the decision was taken to should prioritise other waste commodities e.g. wood, waste electronic equipment etc. as we don’t have other locations where these waste types can be disposed of. 

There are various mini recycling centres across the city that accept paper/cardboard. Obviously when the pandemic is over, we will reinstate all services at both sites.”