Record temperatures in 2019 show UK government must take action on climate, Green Party warns

3 January 2020

The Met Office has today issued new figures which show that four new temperature records were set in 2019, including the highest winter and summer temperatures.

Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party, said: “The climate crisis is at our doorstep yet all we have seen so far from political leaders is inaction and empty pledges.

“The world has been horrified by the fires in Australia and floods in Indonesia which have killed dozens of people and caused untold damage. Today’s Met Office figures show that nowhere is immune to the impact of climate change.

“The 2020s will be a critical decade in the fight to prevent runaway climate change, the effects of which will have a major impact on us all.

“The UK government has a responsibility to its own people and the rest of the world to step up and lead the way in taking action on the climate emergency.

“It is not too late for the government to adopt a net-zero carbon emissions target of 2030 and bring forward a transformative Green New Deal as has already been set out by the Green Party.”

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