Recommendation on the specification of the National Vehicle Register and the adoption of the system of organization codes in TAF and TAP TSIs

Recommendation on the specification for the European Vehicle Register (EVR) referred to in Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and repealing Decision 2007/756/EC Reference: 013REC1005 Publication Date : 16/01/2018 Published by: Interoperability Document Types: Recommendation Keywords: EVR, European Vehicle Register, Recommendation Description: Recommendation on the specification for the European Vehicle Register referred to in Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and repealing Decision 2007/756/EC Related documents:

-​ Recommendation 013REC1005 of the European Union Agency for Railways on the specification for the European Vehicle Register referred to in Article 47 of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and repealing Decision 2007/756/EC (EN)

– Annex to Recommendation 013REC1005 (EN)

– Accompanying Report 013REC1055/ACR to the Recommendation of the European Union Agency for Railways on European Vehicle Register

– Impact Assessment on European Vehicle Register (EN)

The Recommendation with its annex, accompanying report and impact assessment were submitted to the European Commission on 15 December 2017.