Reappointment of Chairman of Legal Aid Services Council

     The Government announced today (August 11) that the Chief Executive has reappointed Professor William Leung Wing-cheung as the Chairman of the Legal Aid Services Council for a term of two years with effect from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2025. 
     A spokesman for the Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office said, "Professor Leung has provided sterling leadership and valuable contribution in guiding the Council's work over the past four years. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Professor Leung and the Council members."
     Established under the Legal Aid Services Council Ordinance (Cap. 489), the Council is responsible for overseeing the administration of the legal aid services provided by the Legal Aid Department and advising the Chief Executive on legal aid policy. The Council comprises a chairman and lay members who are not connected with the practice of law; barrister members and solicitor members nominated by the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong respectively; and the Director of Legal Aid. The membership list of the Council with effect from September 1, 2023, is attached in the Annex.