Re-appointment of Chairman of Air Transport Licensing Authority

     The Government announced today (January 3) the re-appointment of the incumbent Chairman, Mr Ambrose Ho, to the Air Transport Licensing Authority for two years from January 8, 2020.
     The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, said, "We are confident that under Mr Ho's chairmanship, the team of serving members, with their expertise and background in different sectors, will continue to make valuable contributions to the work of the Authority in facilitating the development of air services in Hong Kong."
     The Authority is an independent statutory body established under the Air Transport (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations, Cap. 448 sub. leg. A. It is responsible for considering applications from airlines of Hong Kong for licences to operate scheduled services to and from Hong Kong in accordance with the provisions of the said regulations.
     The re-appointment has been published in the Government Gazette today.