Queen Mary Hospital announces hospital facility safety incident


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for Queen Mary Hospital made the following announcement today (November 24) regarding a hospital facility safety incident:
     At around 11:30am today, white smoke and a burning smell suddenly emerged from an air duct in the Medicine Ward on the 20th floor of Block K. The hospital immediately reported the case to the Police and arranged a total of 17 patients to transfer to another ward.
     Upon on-site inspection by the firemen, it was confirmed that there was no fire at the scene. After a preliminary investigation, it is believed that the incident was caused by an overheated v-belt in the exhaust fan at the rooftop plant room in Block K. The facility concerned was replaced on November 2. Thorough checking had been conducted by the contractor concerned at that time with no abnormalities found. The hospital will conduct a detailed analysis and investigation through various directions, including the materials used, installation process, system operation and environment factors on scene.
     The hospital had reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System and will arrange for further inspections to ensure facility safety. No patients or staff were injured during the incident and patient services were not affected.

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