Queen Mary Hospital announces a patient testing preliminary positive to COVID-19


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) made the following announcement today (December 12) regarding a patient testing preliminary positive to COVID-19:

     A 97-year-old female patient who was found unconscious at home was sent to QMH by ambulance at around 6.30pm yesterday (December 11). Upon arrival at the Accident and Emergency Department (AED), the patient was sent to resuscitation room for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation to assist her breathing.

     The patient was then arranged to receive nasopharyngeal swab test for COVID-19 and hospitalised in a medical ward for treatment. Due to compassionate reason, the patient's daughter was arranged to visit the patient in the ward for 15 minutes.

     At around 10pm, the staff in the ward was informed of the preliminary positive test result of nasopharyngeal swab. The patient was transferred to isolation ward immediately. She eventually succumbed at 1.30am today.

     The infection control team has traced the healthcare workers and patients who had been in contact with the patient. Three patients who had been staying shortly with the concerned case in the same cubicle had put on surgical masks. Staff in AED and ward had also been wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. No staff member was identified as a close contact.

     QMH would continue to closely monitor the health of our staff and patients and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.

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