Queen Elizabeth Hospital staff member tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) made the following announcement today (January 24) regarding an Operation Assistant (OPA) who tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19:
     A 29-year-old OPA of QEH, who lives with family members in Ying Kwai House in Kwai Chung Estate tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19 yesterday (January 23) while undergoing mandatory quarantine at Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre with stable condition.
     He is responsible for security and traffic control duties in the QEH. He did not have any contact with patient and was equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment. He last went to work on January 21 and attended the respirator fit test in infection control team on the same day. During the testing procedure which involved repeated breath test for about 30 minutes, the staff member handling the test had not worn eye protection. As a precautionary consideration, the staff member concerned was classified as a close contact and required to be quarantined.
     The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing and 23 staff members from the security unit are classified as other contacts.
     Thorough cleaning and disinfection in the offices, changing room and Respirator Fit Test Centre have been arranged. The QEH will continue to communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.