Queen Elizabeth Hospital announces sentinel event


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: 

     The spokesperson for Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) announced a sentinel event today (August 16): 
     A male patient was admitted to a surgical ward at QEH on August 13. At 10.50pm yesterday (August 15), the ward staff found that the patient had left his bed and disappeared. The patient was found lying on the ground outside the building at around 11pm. Healthcare staff immediately sent the patient to the Accident and Emergency Department for resuscitation and reported the case to the Police. The patient was certified dead at 11.40pm.
     QEH is deeply saddened by the incident and expresses condolences to the family members, and will offer necessary assistance. The hospital will fully co-operate with the police investigation.
     The hospital is very concerned about the incident and has reported it to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System. A root cause analysis panel will be established to look into the incident. The case has been referred to the Coroner for follow-up.

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