QEF and HKPC collaborate on promoting e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Quality Education Fund Steering Committee:

     The Quality Education Fund (QEF) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) today (July 28) held a launching ceremony for promoting the e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme by offering professional advice and mentorship support to the 23 projects funded under the Programme. 

     Speaking at the launching ceremony, the trustee of the QEF and the Permanent Secretary for Education, Ms Michelle Li, said that the Programme aims to facilitate the development, enrichment and provision of quality e-learning ancillary facilities that will have a positive impact on enhancing e-learning through fostering in-depth collaboration among the school sector, tertiary institutions and the business sector. The Programme will not only support e-learning and blended learning modes in the new era but will also help boost the application and development of innovation and technology in the education sector for the benefit of students and teachers.

     She welcomed the HKPC to become the strategic partner of the QEF to provide professional advice and mentorship support for the grantees, helping them to better understand the latest market developments and build a marketing network. The Hong Kong Education City will also support the projects by hosting the deliverables on its website for facilitating the access and use by the school sector and relevant stakeholders.  

     The QEF has reserved $500 million in total for the implementation of the Programme, including about $260 million for funding the development of the projects and around $240 million for sponsoring publicly-funded schools to use the project deliverables. After a rigorous vetting process, 23 projects have been selected for funding. These projects will deploy innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence and big data, to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness in a wide array of subjects, benefiting secondary, primary and kindergarten students, as well as students with special educational needs. Details of the Programme are available on the QEF website (qef.org.hk/en/application_guide/elearning_ancillary.html).

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