Publication of financial instruments reference data after the end of the Brexit transition period


The FIRDS delta files (DLTINS) published by ESMA contain information about:

  • Termination of all UK financial instruments: (ISIN, MIC) records for MICs in the UK and which were still active have been terminated and their termination date has been set to 31 December 2020 at 22:59:59 UTC;
  • Updated Relevant Competent Authority (RCA) for all financial instruments which previously had GB as RCA and which will continue to be traded in the EU.

The FIRDS full files (FULINS) published by ESMA contain information on all financial instruments which are active on EU trading venues, along with their latest descriptions and RCA information.

ESMA would like to remind users to process these files in accordance with their systems implementation to capture all the above-mentioned changes.

ESMA will subsequently resume processing of FIRDS files received during the maintenance window, as per Brexit data operational plan published on ESMA website.

Please note that FITRS and DVCAP systems are still under maintenance until Monday 11 January 2021. Should ESMA complete the FITRS and DVCAP operations earlier than 11 January 2021, ESMA will reopen FITRS and DVCAP systems earlier to minimise the downtime. A separate communication will be made when these systems are reopen.

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