Public views invited for consultation on enhancing recreation and education potential of country parks and special areas in Hong Kong

     The Government launched a public consultation on February 16 to seek public views on the proposals for "Enhancing the Recreation and Education Potential of Country Parks and Special Areas in Hong Kong".
     A spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said, "About 44 300 hectares of countryside has been conserved as country parks and special areas in Hong Kong. They have not only provided habitats for diverse animals and plants, but also venues for countryside recreation and outdoor education for the public.
     "The Government commissioned a consultancy study in January 2017 to explore opportunities to enhance the recreation and education potential of Hong Kong country parks and special areas with a view to broadening and diversifying visitors' experience and meeting the growing demand for countryside recreation while maintaining their conservation functions. To help develop the recommendations of the study, a series of engagement activities, including stakeholders' interviews, public opinion surveys and engagement workshops were conducted in the past two years to gather and generate ideas on the proposals."
     After studying the environmental, planning, design and operation considerations, four shortlisted enhancement proposals were reached as follows:

(1) Enhancement of Existing Facilities
     The Government proposes to enhance the existing facilities and activities to enrich visitors' experience and cater for people of different ages and physical abilities, including enhancing the existing country park visitor centres as visitor hubs to serve as gateways to country parks and special areas and one-stop service hubs; introducing an advance booking system for popular camp sites to facilitate activity planning and strengthen management; providing more viewing platforms for scenery appreciation, and enhancing physically handicapped and able-bodied sites and facilities.

(2) Open Museums for Historical Relics Appreciation
     To enhance conservation of historical relics and maximise the education value of country parks and special areas on local history, the Government proposes to set up open museums on cultural heritage resources within country parks and special areas, with various education activities provided.

(3) Tree Top Adventure
     Subject to environmental conditions and matching with nature education elements, the Government proposes to provide tree-top adventure activities along with a wide variety of associated activities, such as canopy walks and tree climbing for various age groups, to deepen their understanding of nature conservation.

(4) Enhancement of Glamping Sites and Eco-lodges
     To diversify the types of overnight facilities provided in country parks, the Government proposes to set up glamping sites and eco-lodges to enrich campers' experience and facilitate campers of different age groups with different needs to connect with nature.
     A consultation document, leaflet, website and public forums have been produced and arranged to publicise the proposals and to provide platforms to gather views and opinions. Roving exhibitions and interactive exhibitions will also be held to introduce the proposals to the public. The consultation document and information on the public engagement activities have been uploaded to the dedicated website ( Members of the public are invited to share their views by email ( on or before May 15.