Public hospital daily update on Wuhan-related cases

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     As at noon today (January 9), public hospitals had admitted 10 patients in the past 24 hours who have been to Wuhan in the past 14 days and presented with fever, respiratory infection or pneumonia symptoms. The patients concerned had not visited wet markets in Wuhan before the onset of symptoms.
     Including the above-mentioned cases, the Hospital Authority (HA) has reported 48 patient cases since December 31, 2019. Specimens of the patients concerned have been sent to the Department of Health for testing. Among all the suspected cases, 25 have been discharged and those patients staying in hospitals are in stable condition.  

  Hospital Age Gender
1. Caritas Medical Centre 11 months Female
2.  Kwong Wah Hospital 26 Female
3. Princess Margaret Hospital 2 Male
4. Prince of Wales Hospital 7 Female
5. Queen Elizabeth Hospital 20 Male
6. Queen Elizabeth Hospital 66 Male
7. Queen Mary Hospital 28 Female
8. Tseung Kwan O Hospital 1 Male
9. Tseung Kwan O Hospital 6 Male
10. Tuen Mun Hospital 13 Female

     Meanwhile, the HA Central Committee on Infectious Disease and Emergency Responses held another ad hoc meeting today to discuss the latest progress of the cluster of cases of Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent in Wuhan.
     The HA reiterated that the current stockpile of personal protection equipment (PPE), such as surgical masks and N95 respirators, is adequate for three months' consumption, which has been calculated with reference to the usage during the swine influenza pandemic in 2009. The HA has also set up hotlines for front-line staff to enquire about issues of PPE and linen supply.
     Regarding isolation beds, 503 isolation beds with negative pressure facilities are immediately available currently and the present occupancy is 60 per cent. The HA will closely monitor the utilisation and could mobilise the other 900 isolation beds with negative pressure facilities if needed.
     The HA will maintain close contact with the Centre for Health Protection to monitor the latest developments and to inform the public and healthcare workers on the latest information in a timely manner.