Public hospital daily update on Wuhan-related cases


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     As at noon today (January 8), in the past 24 hours public hospitals had admitted eight patients who have been to Wuhan in the past 14 days and presented with fever, respiratory infection or pneumonia symptoms.

  Hospital Age Gender Condition
1. Caritas Medical Centre 10 Female Stable
2. Princess Margaret Hospital 6 Female Stable
3. Prince of Wales Hospital 10 Female Stable
4. Prince of Wales Hospital 61 Male Stable
5. Queen Elizabeth Hospital 28 Female Stable
6. Ruttonjee Hospital 27 Female Stable
7. Tin Shui Wai Hospital* 3 Female Stable
8. Tin Shui Wai Hospital* 15 Female Stable

*Cases have been transferred to Tuen Mun Hospital

     The Hospital Authority (HA) has reported the cases and sent the specimens to the Department of Health (DH) for testing. The patients concerned are in stable condition and being treated under isolation. "The patients concerned had not visited wet markets in Wuhan before the onset of symptoms. The HA will keep monitoring the patients' conditions and provide appropriate treatment," the HA Chief Infection Control Officer, Dr Raymond Lai, said.

     Including the above-mentioned cases, public hospitals have reported 38 patient cases to the DH since December 31, 2019. Twenty-one of the patients have been discharged.

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