Press release: Sellafield Ltd awards 20-year project partnership

Sellafield Ltd has awarded a 20-year contract to 4 organisations, which will help deliver the site’s decommissioning programme.

Press release: Environment Agency Chair calls for new approach to flood and coastal resilience

Environment Agency Chair, Emma Howard Boyd launches long-term strategy to tackle flooding and coastal change.

Press release: Government introduces bill to tackle Palace of Westminster fire risk

The Restoration and Renewal of the Palace of Westminster reaches a major milestone with the Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Bill.

Press release: Professional court access scheme to be adopted nationally

Legal professionals will soon be able to enter the vast majority of courts and tribunals more easily as a successful pilot scheme is extended nationwide.

Press release: Talented research groups across the UK to pioneer tomorrow’s breakthrough innovations

Science Minister calls on researchers and businesses to submit applications to receive funding through the Strength in Places Fund.