Press release: New UK aid for safe and dignified burials to tackle Ebola in DRC

Minister for Africa announces UK aid funding for safe and dignified burials on visit to Ebola-hit region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Press release: Readout of PM call with Prime Minister Modi: 25 May 2019

Prime Minister Theresa May spoke with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi following his election success.

Press release: New Council Tax guide protects most vulnerable households

If you are disabled, have a health condition or are a carer you could be overpaying Council Tax and not even know it, according to a new public guide.

Press release: Housing Minister announces boost for families and high streets as planning red tape is axed

Thousands of homeowners will be able to extend their properties quickly and easily without the need for a full planning application.

Press release: UK Government Minister for Wales Welcomes Progress on Mid Wales Growth Deal

Ceredigion and Powys Councils approve ‘inter-authority agreement’ committing them to collaborate on projects that benefit their regional economy.