Press release: Winners of the 2019 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service announced

A total of 281 organisations from across the UK have received the prestigious award this year.

Press release: UK prepares to host veterans and world leaders for unprecedented D-Day commemorations

Prime Minister Theresa May will watch veterans retrace their journey to Normandy from the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Press release: Controls prevent phone fraudsters spoofing HMRC

The tax authority has put an end to fraudster’s mimicking its most recognisable helpline numbers to dupe taxpayers and steal money.

Press release: New law protecting tenants comes into force today

The Tenant Fees Act comes into force today (1 June 2019).

Press release: Prime Minister appoints new Independent Members to the House of Lords Appointments Commission

Prime Minister confirms appointments of Lord Chartres (Richard), Fionnuala Jay-O’Boyle and Charles Moore as Independent Members of the House of Lords Appointments Commission.