Press release: PM meeting with President Moon of South Korea: 19 October 2018

Prime Minister Theresa May today held a bilateral meeting with President Moon of South Korea at the Asem summit in Brussels.

The two leaders looked forward to further strengthening ties between the two countries both now and once the UK leaves the European Union.

They agreed to work closely together to transition over the existing trade agreement between South Korea and the European Union. They would then look forward to further improving trade ties between the two countries in the future.

The Prime Minister praised President Moon for the steps he had taken which had led to progress in the Korean peninsula.

The Prime Minister said it was important for DPRK to take concrete steps towards denuclearisation, and pressure should be maintained on DPRK with sanctions.

Press release: A1 congestion cutting plans go on show

Highways England will be taking to the road to show how plans to tackle congestion on the A1 between Scotswood and North Brunton will help improve journey times and safety along the road while boosting the local economy.

Drivers and local residents will have the chance to visit the Highways England exhibition van which will be touring the route, with staff on hand to answer questions about the plans to add an additional lane to a 5 mile stretch of the A1.

Six public information events will be held at locations near to the planned scheme showing its layout, how it will benefit the area and the reasons for the improvements. It is also a good opportunity to provide feedback on the scheme.

Highways England project manager, Charlotte Taylor, said:

This is an exciting scheme that will help improve motorist’s journeys, support economic growth and cut congestion in the Newcastle area.

We look forward to people coming along to our events, finding out more and asking the team any questions they may have.

Further information about the scheme and a video with Charlotte explaining more about the scheme plus exhibition dates can be viewed on the scheme website.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Press release: Tree Champion: we must preserve our urban trees

Aimed at local authorities, charities and community groups, the manual provides advice on selecting the right tree for the right place in towns and cities – ensuring the views of local communities are at the heart of decision-making and residents are properly consulted before street trees are felled.

Released during Green GB Week – a week of action dedicated to celebrating clean growth – the toolkit has been designed in recognition of the important role urban trees play in the environment. These include improving health and wellbeing, encouraging people to enjoy the outdoors, absorbing noise and reducing temperatures.

Bringing together knowledge from organisations such as the Forestry Commission, Forest Research and the Animal and Plant Health Agency, the manual provides tips on choosing planting location, tree type and soil to maximise the environmental benefits, as well as highlighting the long term threats to trees from pests, disease and climate change.

Government Tree Champion Sir William Worsley said:

Whether they’re rooted in countryside woodland or in urban cityscapes, trees make our environment more attractive and a healthier place to live and work – which is why expertise in the planting and maintenance of urban trees is vital.

I hope this Urban Tree Manual will help to improve decision-making around the country to make sure our invaluable trees are preserved now – and for future generations.

The toolkit builds on work already underway by local authorities to help trees flourish, featuring case studies such as the planting at The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park which focused on choosing climate change resilient trees, and Observatree – a collaborative citizen science project which aims to spot new pest and disease threats to UK trees.

The release of the Urban Tree Manual forms part of the government’s wider work to protect and promote our precious trees, including our commitment to plant one million trees in our towns and cities and eleven million trees nationwide over the course of this parliament.

Protecting and planting more trees is a key part of our ambitious 25-Year Environment Plan, which will ensure we leave this environment in a better state for the next generation.

Press release: Aberdeen to host Summer 2019 Energy Exports Conference

The visit comes ahead of the Energy Exports Conference in June 2019 which is set to bring key partners together with the aim of accelerating export growth in the sector to key international markets.

The Minister will today meet a range of companies and organisations in the oil and gas industry – including the Oil and Gas Authority and Scottish Development International – to demonstrate DIT commitment to helping the UK oil and gas industry maximise its economic potential. It is estimated that the UK supply chain already delivers a £30 billion turnover, of which 40% is delivered through exports.

At next year’s conference in Aberdeen, organised by trade association the Energy Industries Council, around 20 speakers from major international operators and contractors will present an estimated £100bn worth of project opportunities for UK companies.

This is all part of a shared industry vision – Vision 2035 – which includes the aim to double the UK’s global share of the oil and gas service sector market by 2035. In turn, this will help to add a generation of productive life to the North Sea Basin and maintain the UK oil and gas industry’s position as a significant contributor to the UK economy for decades to come.

Minister of State for the Department for International Trade, Baroness Fairhead, said:

The Oil and Gas industry is a key industry which provides economic growth, jobs and opportunities in companies in the wider supply chain all across Scotland.

I am absolutely delighted that Aberdeen has been chosen to host the inaugural Energy Exports Conference next year. The Department for International Trade will be supporting the conference to ensure it’s a great success.

We continue to stand ready to help companies, large and small, the length and breadth of the UK to export their goods and services and encourage all interested firms to take a look at our Export Strategy to see how we can help.

CEO of the trade body the Energy Industries Council (EIC), Stuart Broadley, said:

The inaugural Energy Exports Conference promises to be the UK’s largest ever export-focussed event in the energy sector. Our aim is to generate significant new incremental export business for UK companies – both for established exporters but also importantly inspiring new exporters.

Uniquely, a number of stakeholders are collaborating to ensure this major event achieves maximum impact – the EIC has agreed to take the lead and we are delighted to have full support from DIT, SDI and the Oil & Gas Authority, as well as Opportunity North East, Oil & Gas UK and UK Export Finance.

The visit comes after the Minister recently launched the UK’s new Export Strategy. The Strategy sets out how the government will support businesses of all sizes to make the most of the opportunities presented by markets around the world.

A government-led collaboration with business, developed after extensive engagement with a range of UK firms – the Strategy sets a new ambition from government to increase exports as a proportion of UK GDP to 35%.

Press release: UK Government Minister celebrates Green Great Britain Week in mid-Wales

In the week that the UK Government launches its first ever Green Great Britain Week, UK Government in Wales Minister Lord Bourne is heading to Mid-Wales to celebrate the work of institutions and businesses championing the clean growth agenda. As part of his two-day visit, Lord Bourne will also talk to a range of businesses in the region to find out how a Growth Deal for mid-Wales could address their barriers to growth, and to encourage them to assist in its development, stressing the UK Government’s commitment to driving forward the region’s economic future.

Joining thousands of people up and down the UK who are celebrating clean growth, Lord Bourne will visit the IBERS and Innovation campus at Aberystwyth University to learn of their work to convert ground-breaking research into practical solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Highlighting the UK Government’s commitment to clean growth, Lord Bourne will also see how the Centre for Alternative Technology are demonstrating practical solutions for sustainability to visitors from all over the world, including eco-sanitation, woodland management and renewable energy.

UK Government Minister, Lord Bourne said:

In the year that marks the 10th anniversary of the Climate Change Act, there is no better time to build on our success and seize the huge opportunities for cleaner economic growth in the UK.

I welcome the work of IBERS and the Centre for Alternative Technology who are working tirelessly towards the UK’s vision of clean economic growth. Achieving clean growth must be a shared enterprise between UK Government, devolved nations, local authorities, businesses and the British people and that is why today, I urge people all over the country to pledge their commitment to tackling climate change.

During his two-day trip across mid-Wales, Lord Bourne will also meet with key stakeholders across the region to discuss a Growth Deal for mid-Wales. Meeting with Professor Elizabeth Treasure at Aberystwyth University, Lord Bourne will discuss the University’s progress in advancing the region’s economic future through research and innovation, including developments such as the National Spectrum Centre and Precision Agriculture.

Wynnstay, a manufacturer of agricultural supplies, will also welcome Lord Bourne as they celebrate their 100-year anniversary. During his meeting with the newly appointed Chief Executive Gareth Davies, Lord Bourne will consider how the region can overcome growth barriers and secure a growth deal that works for the whole of mid-Wales.

UK Government Minister, Lord Bourne said:

Now more than ever it is imperative that we shift powers away from London and Cardiff to local leaders who are best placed to take decisions that affect their communities. That is why I am committed to working closely with the companies and groups who are devoted to developing a vision for the region’s economic future.

With the launch of the modern Industrial Strategy, the UK Government is working to create the right conditions for regional prosperity, but it is the private sector that must take the necessary risks to drive this vision for economic growth in mid-Wales forward.

With the UK Government already signing a Heads of Terms agreement for City Deals in Cardiff and Swansea and with ongoing negotiations alongside the Welsh Government with local partners regarding a growth deal for North Wales, a successful mid-Wales growth deal would see the whole of Wales benefitting from a UK Government city or growth deal.