Press release: Prisons to deliver trailblazing £6m rough sleeping initiative

  • Three prisons to pilot new scheme to support at-risk offenders
  • Dedicated housing funding to provide stable accommodation for up to two years
  • Support to help prisoners integrate into communities for the long-term

Leeds, Pentonville and Bristol prisons have been chosen to spearhead the £6 million pilot programme aimed at helping vulnerable ex-prisoners find and stay in stable accommodation.

Research shows that those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation are significantly more likely to reoffend within a year than those with a stable place to live.

The pilots are aimed specifically at prisoners serving short sentences who are at high risk of returning to prison. This represents the latest in a series of measures aimed at breaking the cycle of reoffending, from improving prisoners’ employment prospects to reinforcing family ties.

The sites will pilot a new partnership approach between prisons, local authorities, probation staff, charities and others who will work together to provide the support prisoners need when they are released – such as signing up for benefits – but will primarily be focused on finding them suitable accommodation.

The two-year programme forms part of the Government’s £100m Rough Sleeping Strategy announced over the summer.

Justice Secretary David Gauke said:

These ground-breaking pilots will help prevent rough sleeping among vulnerable ex-offenders and support them as they start a new life after prison.

As well as ensuring people have somewhere to live, dedicated key worker support will help ex-offenders manage the practical challenges of finding a job and other issues that come with trying to reintegrate into society.

Every time we help an ex-prisoner into a new life – with a stable home, strong relationships and a regular job – we increase the chances of seeing fewer victims of crime in the future.

Housing benefit top ups and rental deposits will ensure that accommodation will be provided from the day offenders leave prison, bolstered through wrap around support from key workers to address other needs which may normally cause the loss of a tenancy, such as attending appropriate probation and employment appointments.

Heather Wheeler MP, Minister for Housing and Homelessness said:

When leaving custody, ex-offenders should all have a safe and suitable home to go to and there is work to be done to ensure this is the case.

These pilots will prove pivotal to our understanding of the situation and to inform any future accommodation provision. This will help improve the outcomes for ex-offenders across the country.

Once the trial has completed, it will be fully evaluated to assess the potential for the scheme to be rolled out more widely across England. We will also be working with the Welsh Government to deliver a similar accommodation solution.

The Rough Sleeping Strategy was launched in August 2018 and sets out to halve rough sleeping on England’s streets by 2022 and end it altogether by 2027. It is backed by an additional £100 million and developed across government in conjunction with charities and experts.

The strategy lays out a 3-pronged approach to tackling rough sleeping, including preventing rough sleeping by providing timely support, intervening to help people already on the streets get swift, targeted support and helping people recover, find a new home quickly and rebuild their lives.

Press release: Change of British High Commissioner to Malaysia in April 2019

Mr Charles Hay MVO has been appointed British High Commissioner to Malaysia in succession to Ms Vicki Treadell CMG MVO. Mr Hay will take up his appointment in April 2019.


Full name: Charles Hay

Married to: Pascale Sutherland

Children: Two daughters

2015 to 2018 Seoul, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2011 to 2014 FCO, Director, Consular Services
2009 to 2011 FCO, Assistant Director, HR Services, Human Resources Directorate
2006 to 2009 Madrid, Deputy Head of Mission and Counsellor (Political and Economic Affairs)
2004 to 2006 FCO, Head, G8 Presidency Team
1999 to 2004 Brussels, First Secretary (Economic and Finance), UK Permanent Representation to the European Union
1998 to 1999 FCO, Press Officer
1996 to 1998 Prague, Second Secretary (Press and Political)
1993 to 1995 FCO, Desk Officer, Security Policy Department
1987 to 1993 British Army, Captain, the Gordon Highlanders. Service including in Northern Ireland, Berlin, Cyprus, Falklands

Media enquiries

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Further information

Press release: £2 million for councils to crackdown on rogue landlords

  • Housing Minister announces £2 million funding boost for councils to tackle rogue landlords
  • Ramping up action against the minority of landlords who force tenants to live in squalid conditions
  • Measures build on action taken by government to protect renters and drive up standards in the rental sector

Councils across the country will receive extra cash to crackdown on rogue landlords thanks to a new £2 million fund, Housing Minister Heather Wheeler MP has announced today (8 November 2018).

Whilst the majority of landlords provide decent homes for their tenants, a small minority continue to break the law and offer inadequate or unsafe housing – including to young families and others who are vulnerable to exploitation.

Councils will be able to bid for funding to step up enforcement action against irresponsible landlords who make tenants’ lives a misery and to develop and test innovative ways to clamp down on squalid accommodation.

Today’s news builds on government action to drive up standards in the private rented sector – ensuring millions of hard-working tenants get the homes they deserve and creating a housing market that works for everyone.

Housing Minister, Heather Wheeler, MP said:

Everyone deserves to live in a home that is safe and secure, and it is vital we crack down on the small minority of landlords who are not giving their tenants this security.

This funding will help further strengthen councils’ powers to tackle rogue landlords and ensure that poor-quality homes in their area are improved, making the housing market fairer for everyone.

Local authorities already have strong powers to require landlords to make necessary improvements to a property and can use a range of measures, including fines and banning orders, to tackle rogue landlords.

The new funding will be used to support a range of projects that councils have said will help them to ramp up action against criminal landlords – for example, to build relationships with external organisations such as the emergency services, legal services and local housing advocates.

Councils may also decide to support tenants to take action against poor standards through rent repayment orders, or develop digital solutions, helping officers to report back and make decisions quicker.

The money will also be used to encourage councils to share best practice of enforcement action and examples of innovative approaches that are self-sustaining and can be easily adapted to other parts of the country.

Further information

There are more than 4.5 million households in the private rented sector in England, with recent statistics showing that 82% of private renters are satisfied with their accommodation.

The fund will help councils take on the most common challenges that stand in the way of tackling poor standards in the private rented sector, including:

  • the need for better information – on housing stock and on landlords and agents operating in their areas

  • data sharing between authorities and agencies – identifying and bringing together different data sets to enable better enforcement targeting

  • internal ‘ways of working’ – improving housing-specific legal expertise, in-house communication between teams, and tools and strategies to effectively implement policy

  • innovative software – for enforcement officers to record their findings, gather evidence and streamline the enforcement process

Office address and general enquiries

2 Marsham Street



Media enquiries

Press release: Knight Grand Cross conferred on Sir Jeremy Heywood

The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve that the honour of Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath be conferred upon Jeremy John, The Lord Heywood of Whitehall, K.C.B., C.V.O.

Notes for Editors

On the Tuesday 30th October, Lord Heywood of Whitehall was invested as Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. Lord Heywood accepted this honour on behalf of the whole Civil Service which he was so proud to have led.

Sir Jeremy Heywood was appointed Cabinet Secretary following the announcement of Sir Gus O’Donnell’s retirement in December 2011. From September 2014 Jeremy also took on the title Head of the Civil Service. Prior to that, Sir Jeremy Heywood was Permanent Secretary to two successive Prime Ministers at 10 Downing Street. He also spent over three years as a Managing Director including as co-head of the UK Investment Banking Division at Morgan Stanley. Before joining Morgan Stanley, Sir Jeremy Heywood occupied a range of senior civil service roles, including as Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister (1999–2003).

Media enquiries should be directed to the 10 Downing Street press office.

Press release: Environment Agency announces increases to charges for boaters

The Environment Agency will increase the cost of boat registrations on its waterways from 2019 to help ensure a sustainable service for thousands of boat users.

The new charges for 2019-21 will be invested in waterways enjoyed by around 29,000 boat users, helping to meet the shortfall between the cost of running the service and the income currently generated from annual boat registrations.

Across the EA’s waterways, the majority of boats (98%) are used for private pleasure. For these users, annual boat registrations will increase by between £6 and £100 over two years depending on the size and type of boat, although specific costs vary by location. See a full breakdown of the increases here.

The EA is the second largest navigation authority in the UK and is responsible for more than 1,000 km of navigable waterways, which include the non-tidal River Thames, River Great Ouse, River Nene and Upper Medway Navigation. It is estimated the charge increases will bring in an additional £930,000 by 2021.

Mark Ormrod, National Manager for Navigation at the Environment Agency, said:

Our navigation service plays an important role in protecting our waterways and supports both recreation and business for thousands of people. We realise an increase in charges is never welcome news but it is essential to keep the levels of service and maintenance which boaters tell us is needed.

In addition, we are exploring new income streams to make our service even better and to
spread the cost among everybody who benefits from our waterways.

The Environment Agency carried out a consultation on the new charges across July-August 2018. A summary of the consultation responses can be found here