Press release: UK House Price Index for September 2018

The UK HPI shows house price changes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Press release: Government welcomes conference for Libya in Palermo

An Foreign Office spokesperson said:

We welcome the conference for Libya held in Palermo today (13 November), which reaffirmed wide international support for the next steps in implementing the UN Action Plan, as set out by SRSG Salamé in his 8 November briefing to the UN Security Council. This includes the convening of a National Conference in early 2019.

There is now momentum for progress in Libya which we should maintain in the run up to the National Conference.

We urge Libyans and the international community to seize this opportunity by engaging fully with the UN to promote a more inclusive process, with a view to creating the conditions for national elections in the course of next year.

The UK will continue to co-operate closely with our international partners in support of Special Representative of the Secretary General Salamé, working towards our shared objective of a stable Libya capable of tackling its migration, terrorism and other challenges.

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Press release: Government welcomes conference for Libya in Palermo

FCO statement following the Italian conference for the future of Libya held in Palermo on 13th November 2018, attended by Minister Burt

Press release: Young people join together for Year of Green Action

Lord Gardiner meets with young environment advocates as part of the #iwill campaign.

Press release: Young people join together for Year of Green Action

Over 50 young people from around the UK have today been announced as environment ambassadors as part of the run up to the government’s 2019 ‘Year of Green Action’.

The inspiring group, which includes two teenage sisters who founded Kids Against Plastic to cut the single-use packaging, will encourage more young people to get involved in green projects through their school, youth group or local community.

The #iwill4nature initiative, part of the #iwill campaign which aims to embed social action into the lives of 10-18 year olds, was formally launched at a celebratory event at Kew Gardens. It comes as the government prepares for its 2019 Year of Green Action, a year-long drive to see more people from all backgrounds involved in projects to improve the natural world.

Defra Minister Lord Gardiner, at Kew Gardens today to congratulate the new ambassadors, said:

Our children and young people have a huge role to play in ensuring the next generation is motivated and equipped to protect the precious natural world.

It was inspiring to meet this group of young ambassadors who are so passionate about environmental protection and I look forward to seeing all they achieve over the coming year.

Launched in 2013, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is patron of Step Up to Serve, which coordinates the #iwill campaign. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has worked closely with the campaign team to develop the 2019 focus on the environment, which was outlined in the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.

Many of this year’s ambassadors have been selected because they are already involved in environmental projects.

Joining 15-year-old Amy Meek and her 13-year-old sister Ella, who together launched Kids Against Plastic to stem the global use of single use plastic, as an ambassador is Emily McDonald. The 18-year-old has been made an ambassador after she founded a Bio-Eco Society at her school, bringing together peers to take positive action against climate change.

Bradley Gwin-Barrett has also been selected as an ambassador after he helped create a community garden in Anfield and went on to become a Community Engagement Officer.