Press release: Garage bosses allowed disqualified director to run company

Two garage bosses banned after they allowed a disqualified director, who happened to be their husband and ex-husband respectively, to run their company.

Press release: College students with unrealised potential deserve better

Colleges must work more effectively with local employers to help unlock the unrealised potential of young people taking level 2 study programmes, Amanda Spielman will say in a speech this afternoon.

Press release: Penny Mordaunt’s new mission for Government Equalities Office

Minister for Women and Equalities Penny Mordaunt will today (21 November) announce a fundamental shift in focus for the Government Equalities Office.

Press release: PM call with First Minister Sturgeon: 20 November 2018

Prime Minister Theresa May calls First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon.

Press release: Coal Authority wins Welsh contract

The Coal Authority has been awarded a contract by Natural Resources Wales as part of its programme to clean up metal-polluted rivers across Wales.