Press release: New Charity Inquiry: Rigpa Fellowship

Charity Commission investigates Rigpa Fellowship.

Press release: Environment Agency issues Brockham oil site permits

The Environment Agency has issued new modern permits to Angus Energy plc for production at its Brockham site in Surrey.

Press release: New statistics show number of new homes continues to rise

Homes England has today published its latest official housing statistics, which show the number of homes being built in England continued to rise in the first half of this financial year.

Press release: Poor record keeping lands nightclub boss with 6-year ban

Nightclub boss banned for six years after failing to ensure the company kept proper accounting books and records.

Press release: HIV diagnoses continue to fall as UK exceeds UNAIDS target

Prevention efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the UK are working, but with 8% unaware of their infection it is still vital people seek an HIV test if at risk.