Press release: Minister announces new transfer option for mortgage interest support

Disabled people and others receiving Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) will now be able to transfer this support to their new property when moving home.

Press release: Appointment to the Churches Conservation Trust: 12 June 2019

The Queen has approved that Peter Michael Ainsworth, MA, be re-appointed Chairman of the Churches Conservation Trust.

£5 million fund to develop support for unpaid carers

The Carers Innovation Fund will invest in new projects to improve carers’ wellbeing.

Press release: PM Theresa May: we will end UK contribution to climate change by 2050

Legislation laid today puts the UK on the path to become the first major economy to set net zero emissions target in law.

Press release: Tree Champion reappointed to continue tree planting push

The Government’s Tree Champion Sir William Worsley has been reappointed to continue his drive to accelerate tree planting rates.