Press release: Dame Glenys Stacey review proposes farm regulation shake-up

A more supportive, flexible and incentives-led approach to farming regulation has been recommended as part of a review into the sector published today.

Press release: Rolls Royce seals deal at UK-Lebanon Business & Investment event

The British company will provide support for Airbus aircraft engines. The value of the engines and services to Rolls-Royce is approximately $300 million.

Press release: Public urged to have their say on National Parks and AONBs

The government’s call for evidence on the Designated Landscapes Review will end on 18 December.

Press release: Cornwall drug addict has jail time increased

Steven Brown will spend longer behind bars after Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred his original sentence to the Court of Appeal.

Press release: Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during November 2018

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) announced today that Four foreign flagged ships remained under detention in UK ports during November 2018 after failing Port State Control (PSC) inspection.