Press release: Teething gels for babies and children to be sold in pharmacies only

Parents and caregivers are being advised products containing lidocaine used for teething in babies and children will be sold only in pharmacies from 2019.

Press release: Culture Secretary steps into secure Black Cultural Archives’ future

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to provide a £200,000 cash injection to support Black Cultural Archives in Brixton

Press release: Foreign Secretary attends UN Yemen Peace Talks in Stockholm

Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, travelled to Stockholm yesterday evening to attend the UN-led Yemen peace talks.

Press release: Glasgow mobile phone boss banned after submitting false documents

Glasgow mobile phone boss will start his 10-year ban on Christmas Day after submitting false documents, while securing personal gains of thousands of pounds.

Press release: World-first carbon ‘net-zero’ hub of heavy industry to help UK seize global economic opportunities of clean growth

At COP24 climate talks in Poland, UK government sets world-leading ambition for first ‘net-zero carbon’ cluster by 2040 to cut emissions, backed by up to £170 million funding.