Press release: Queen approves nomination of Bishop of Derby

The Queen has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Elizabeth (Libby) Jane
Holden Lane for election as Bishop of Derby.

Press release: £15m government funding to fix court buildings

Work to improve the condition of court buildings is underway thanks to an additional £15 million set aside for much needed security and maintenance work.

Press release: James Brokenshire announces £5m for new network of rough sleeping hubs

New hubs will ensure those on the streets have access to professional help and guidance to start their recovery.

Press release: CMA proposes reforms to improve competition in audit sector

Improvements to the independence and the quality of audits are the focus of the CMA’s market study update.

Press release: Government takes next step in improving standards of UK audit market with new independent review into audit standards

Donald Brydon, outgoing Chair of the London Stock Exchange Group, appointed to lead new independent review of the quality and effectiveness of the UK audit market.