Press release: Lord Ahmad and Carey Mulligan: “International community must work together to ensure that children in conflict zones have a real chance to reach their full potential.”

Minister of State for the UN Lord Ahmad met War Child Global Ambassador and actress Carey Mulligan to discuss supporting children affected by armed conflict.

Press release: Brokenshire introduces tougher regulatory system for building safety

A stronger and more effective regulatory framework is being introduced to improve building safety.

Press release: Robber who bit off part of victim’s ear jailed

Tommy Tremayne sent to prison following the Solicitor General’s Unduly Lenient Sentence referral.

Press release: New incentives for farmers to strengthen biosecurity on bovine TB

Farmers who have managed to stay clear of bovine TB for at least six years will be able to revert to annual, rather than six-monthly, testing.

Press release: Help for millions of self-employed to save and plan for retirement

New ways to stimulate retirement saving among Britain’s 4.8 million self-employed will be developed and tested under plans unveiled today (18 December 2018).