Press release: New year disqualification for wedding venue boss

Director of Exeter wedding venue company has started 2019 with a nine year ban after continuing to accept payments despite knowing the company was insolvent.

Press release: PM: Launch of the NHS Long Term Plan marks an historic step to secure its future

From getting the best start in life, to supporting you into old age, the NHS Long Term Plan will be hailed by the Prime Minister as a historic moment for patients across the nation.

Press release: ‘Smart homes’ to help older and disabled people get digital skills and tackle loneliness in rural areas

The scheme is part of funding awarded to innovative projects to help people develop digital skills

Press release: UK aid removing Daesh explosives and helping Iraqis return home

More than a million Iraqis whose lives were devastated by Daesh safely returned home in 2018, made possible in part thanks to UK aid funded mine clearance work.

Press release: Helping hand to set up new businesses

A new government service allowing start-ups to jointly register their company and register for tax has been used 200,000 times.