Press release: Work with us blog: independent members, transferrable skills

Aruna Walsh, independent member, has written a blog about how she was able to transfer skills and experience gained outside of the criminal justice sector into becoming an experienced Parole Board member.

Press release: Work with us blog: life at the Parole Board

His Honour Judge Geoffrey Kamil, CBE, writes about how the Parole Board has changed and improved since he joined in 2000 and why people should consider applying to be a member.

Press release: HM Land Registry’s Head of Digital talks geospatial data and blockchain

Director of Digital, Data and Technology John Abbott joined TechTalk Radio to discuss geospatial data and blockchain technology.

Press release: Work with us blog: a new challenge

Cassie Williams, independent member, writes about the opportunities and challenges she has had since joining in 2016 and how the flexible work allows her to fit it in around her other commitments.

Press release: Corporate trustee of The Cup Trust responsible for ‘clear misconduct and mismanagement’

Charity Commission concludes its inquiry into a charity at the centre of a tax avoidance scheme