Press release: Employment Minister welcomes new record employment rate

New employment figures confirmed 2018 had the UK’s strongest jobs market on record with latest figures showing more people in work than ever before.

Press release: UK and New Zealand to continue Mutual Recognition Agreement as PM Jacinda Ardern visits UK

The International Trade Secretary has signed an arrangement which will help boost trade between the UK and New Zealand.

Press release: UK and New Zealand agree new partnership in the Pacific

British diplomats will co-locate with their New Zealand counterparts when the new UK High Commissions in Tonga and Vanuatu open later this year.

Press release: UK aid protects thousands from extreme weather as ‘mega storms’ tracked across Africa

British research has found that mega storms are three times more common than they were 35 years ago due to climate change.

Press release: UK experts to work with global partners to tackle global grand challenges

UK leads efforts to tackle world’s biggest challenges, from tackling anti-microbial resistance to developing next-generation eco-friendly packaging