Press release: Earliest evidence of beer making found on major UK road scheme

Deep below the surface of Britain’s biggest road scheme something has been brewing for a very long time – more than 2,000 years in fact.

Press release: UK at Forefront of Transport Innovation

A major report on how the UK can capitalise on opportunities offered by transport technologies and innovation to benefit the economy, society and the citizen.

Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Israel: June 2019

Mr Neil Wigan OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the State of Israel.

Press release: Drug detection technology arrives at 10 prisons

Scanners which detect drugs on clothes and mail are up and running at 10 of the most challenging jails, Prisons Minister Rory Stewart announced today (Thursday 31 January).

Press release: Digital revolution to use the power of data to combat illegal wildlife trade and reduce food waste

Digital Secretary to set out how new digital technologies including artificial intelligence could be used to tackle global challenges