Press release: Damian Hinds announces drive to create more good school places

The application criteria for a new wave of free schools has been announced today, targeting areas with a need for good school places

Press release: UK Government announces £100 million for Ayrshire Growth Deal

This investment will drive growth across the region, boosting jobs and opportunity across Ayrshire

Press release: Couple banned after duping businesses to sponsor ‘educational’ materials

Husband and wife team received directorship disqualifications totalling 20 years after they duped small businesses to sponsor unnecessary educational material.

Press release: New north Wales partners join UK Government’s ‘Northern Powerhouse’

Pioneering businesses and education providers now part of UK Government initiative to boost jobs, improve infrastructure and promote world-class learning.

Press release: Foreign Secretary call with Juan Guaido: 30 January 2019

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt spoke to Juan Guaido President of the National Assembly of Venezuela.