Press release: Ditch paper receipts – as VAT goes digital

Finance and accounting decision makers have admitted they lose paper receipts as HMRC encourages businesses to join Making Tax Digital.

Press release: Penny Mordaunt: the Rohingya crisis must not be forgotten

The UK is providing vital humanitarian aid to many of the one million Rohingya refugees and vulnerable local communities in Cox’s Bazar.

Press release: Kick-off for partnership aiming to get fans home safely

Highways England and The Football Association have teamed up to ensure fans get safely to and from events at Wembley Stadium.

Press release: Wages rising fastest in a decade

UK wages are increasing at their joint-fastest rate in a decade, with unemployment remaining low at 4 per cent

Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to South Sudan: May 2019

Mr Christopher Trott has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan.