Press release: ‘Outsourcing Playbook’ published

‘Outsourcing Playbook’ published to improve government procurement and deliver better public services.

Press release: Government urges businesses to prepare for changes to animal imports and exports in a no-deal Brexit

Guidance published today will help minimise disruption and allow continued movement of goods

Press release: UK Minister Lord Tariq Ahmad visits Pakistan

The Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon, took part in a two-day visit to Pakistan.

Press release: Unscrupulous East London health supplements company shut down

Unscrupulous East London health supplements company that secured £128,000 from elderly and vulnerable customers has been shut down by the courts.

Press release: Sainsbury’s / Asda merger could push up prices and reduce quality

The CMA has provisionally found extensive competition concerns as part of its in-depth investigation of the proposed merger between Sainsbury’s and Asda.