Press release: IT supplier closed after continuing work of wound-up companies

Court winds-up Leicester-based IT supplier after it continued the work of two connected companies that had already been shut down a year earlier.

Press release: Willesden’s landmark yellow cranes make way for new HS2 Rail Logistics Hub

Three huge disused yellow container cranes at Willesden, west London have been removed to make way for a major new HS2 Rail Logistics Hub to support the construction of the new high-speed line’s London tunnels.

Press release: New UK aid to feed millions of people in Yemen

The UK is stepping up its humanitarian support to help millions of people at risk of starvation in Yemen, the Prime Minister announced today.

Press release: First look at HS2’s Washwood Heath depot site

Ahead of HS2 Ltd beginning construction of a train maintenance depot in Washwood Heath, demolition of a former railway works in Birmingham is now well underway.

Press release: £9.8 million fund to confront knife crime and gang culture

Community-backed projects in 21 areas will receive funding to help families who are vulnerable to the effects of knife crime and gang culture.