Press release: HMRC warns of landline scams threatening households

Those with landline phones are warned to be cautious due to criminals using phones to contact victims following a rising focus on SMS and email phishing.

Press release: PM call with President Buhari: 1 March 2019

Prime Minister Theresa May had a call with President Buhari of Nigeria today.

Press release: Secretary of State extends appointment of Children’s Commissioner

Commissioner for Children and Young People for Northern Ireland, Koulla Yiasouma, reappointed for a further four years.

Press release: Parole Board Chief Executive’s Blog – 6th edition – February 2019

Martin Jones, CEO, writes about member recruitment events and increasing diversity, reaching 1000 decision summaries, and the outcome of the MOJ review of the Parole Board rules.

Press release: Foreign Secretary to reaffirm UK’s global commitment to patient safety

Jeremy Hunt to reaffirm UK’s commitment to patient safety in low and middle income countries at Saudi Arabia conference.