Press release: New Lead Non-Executive Director Appointed at the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Office of the Advocate General

Shonaig Macpherson has been appointed as Lead Non-Executive Director for the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Office of the Advocate General for Scotland

Press release: Highways England builds bridges on International Women’s Day

Schoolgirls from Bristol bridged the gap between classroom and construction site on International Women’s Day when they visited Highways England’s M49 scheme at Avonmouth.

Press release: Radical shake-up of advice to pension schemes will benefit savers and boost £1.6 trillion pension assets

A radical reshaping of financial advice services used by pension schemes for long-term investment strategies will benefit millions of savers and boost the nation’s £1.6 trillion retirement assets, under plans unveiled by the government today (12 March).

Press release: Significant savings thanks to new pump technology

The Coal Authority expects to make significant cost savings after making major investments in new pump technology.

Press release: Ofsted: Stronger partnerships needed to tackle knife crime

New knife crime research looks at how schools, colleges, and pupil referral units (PRUs) in London protect children from knife violence in school.