Press release: Foreign Secretary statement on international sanctions in response to Russian aggression in the Black Sea

The Foreign Secretary welcomes action taken by the EU, Australia, Canada and the US

Press release: Preferred bidders selected for Sellafield project partnership

Four organisations have been chosen as preferred bidders for a 20-year partnership set to revolutionise project delivery at Sellafield.

Press release: New campaign warns ‘it only takes one accident’ to start a fire

The hard-hitting Fire Kills advertising launched by the Home Office today highlights the everyday accidents that can cause fire in the home.

Press release: Drivers to receive greater protection against rogue private parking operators

Motorists across Britain will have greater protections against bogus parking fines as new measures to clamp down on rogue private parking firms become law.

Press release: Minister for Asia highlights southeast Asia opportunities at OECD

At the OECD meeting this week, Rt Hon Mark Field MP discussed with partners how the organisation could strengthen its work in southeast Asia