Press release: HMRC wins £40 million battle against tax avoidance promoters

HM Revenue and Customs has won a legal case over tax avoidance scheme promoter Hyrax Resourcing Ltd, which will help the tax authority collect over £40 million in unpaid taxes.

Press release: Porsche is the number one prestige car brand clamped last year by DVLA

Porsche has topped the list of the prestige cars clamped for being untaxed in 2017 to 2018 according to figures released by DVLA today.

Press release: Joint statement on 4th anniversary of Saudi intervention in Yemen

The Foreign Secretary and the International Development Secretary have released a joint statement on the fourth anniversary of the intervention by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition into the Yemen conflict.

Press release: Brokenshire gives £375,000 for councils to raise awareness of FGM

Communities across England will benefit from an increased awareness of the devastating consequences of female genital mutilation thanks to a new £375,000 fund.

Press release: £63 million boost to speed up construction of new homes in West Sussex

New family houses – including 30 percent affordable homes – will be built more rapidly at a key housing site thanks to additional funding being ploughed into the project.