Press release: Nipping Floating Pennywort in the bud!

Pilot scheme to remove the fast growing invasive species floating pennywort on River Colne

Press release: Communities Secretary praises Holocaust survivors on visit to survivors centre in Hendon

On a visit to the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre the Communities Secretary stressed the importance of plans for a new national memorial.

Press release: Defence Minister and industry leaders commit to closer collaboration

Defence Minister Stuart Andrew has joined industry leaders at the Defence Suppliers Forum today to make a series of landmark commitments that will promote more effective joint working and boost productivity.

Press release: Prison Drugs Strategy unveiled

A strategy setting out the full extent of the government’s efforts to tackle drugs in prisons has been published today (3 April 2019).

Press release: HMRC urges loan scheme users to come forward now

Users of disguised remuneration schemes need to come to HMRC with information to settle their affairs before 5 April or face the loan charge.