Press release: RPA confirms 2018 BPS and CS bridging payments

Farmers due their 2018 Countryside Stewardship advance or Basic Payment Scheme payment will receive bridging payments in April.

Press release: HMRC extends deadline for £8 million of customs training funding

The deadline for applications for a government initiative to help businesses prepare for EU Exit has been extended to 31 May 2019.

Press release: Extended bankruptcy for former kennels owner

Former owner of kennel where animals were removed over welfare concerns has bankruptcy restrictions extended after failing to disclose property she owned.

Press release: UK to introduce world first online safety laws

The Government today unveiled tough new measures to ensure the UK is the safest place in the world to be online.

Press release: Stargazing technology used to spot cancer

Cancer could be detected in patients far earlier by using the same technology used to observe stars millions of miles away.