Press release: Hepatitis C deaths fall by 16 per cent between 2015 and 2017

Deaths from serious hepatitis C related liver disease fell by 16.1% between 2015 and 2017 according to data from PHE.

Press release: Statement from the Ambassadors of the G 19+ on Yemen

A statement from the G 19+ countries on the situation in Yemen.

Press release: Funding awarded to innovative data projects

Systems to highlight the safest roads for cyclists to use, create a database of all the UK’s trees and launch an indoor mapping system backed by government.

Press release: Protect birds when building, says James Brokenshire

Developers have been reminded of their legal obligation to consider the impact of a project on local wildlife.

Press release: New government measures to update crematoria provisions

A package of measures to update crematoria to reflect the needs of different cultures and faiths in modern Britain has been announced.