Press release: Brokenshire confirms over £25 million to help vulnerable rough sleepers

Thousands of vulnerable people sleeping rough will get specialist support to recover from life on the streets.

Press release: Education Secretary to work with sector on special needs funding

Damian Hinds asks schools, colleges and local authorities how the funding system for pupils with special needs and disabilities could improve

Press release: Rosewell Inquiry Review – Update

The Planing Inspectorate publishes an update regarding the Rosewell Inquiry Review

Press release: Highways England unveils self-driving trucks set to speed up roadworks

Self-driving trucks which could help speed up roadworks are being tested for the first time in England on the UK’s biggest road upgrade.

Press release: Parole Board Chief Executive’s Blog – 7th edition – April 2019

In his latest blog, Martin Jones, CEO, writes about meeting other paroling authorities in the US, publishing a new video for victims, plans for the new financial year, and guidance for members on consideration of allegations.