Press release: Prime Minister leads unprecedented support for Holocaust Memorial as further £25m committed

The Prime Minister has been joined by the 4 living former Prime Ministers to back the new Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre.

Press release: UK satellite exports go into orbit

UK space exports on track to meet ambitious targets of exports making up 60% of the UK space sector.

Press release: Scottish space technology tackles global environmental issues

Edinburgh-based company Ecometrica is changing the way space data is used globally by exporting its satellite mapping technology

Press release: Embrace the benefits of public scrutiny, councils told

New statutory guidance for local authorities in England stresses the role of their scrutiny committees in holding them to account over local decision-making.

Press release: Minister for Europe accompanies The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall on Their official visit to Germany

Sir Alan Duncan will join Their Royal Highnesses on the visit to celebrate the friendship between the UK and Germany.