Provision of declaration and oath services for private use by Home Affairs Enquiry Centres on a limited basis

     The Home Affairs Department (HAD) announced today (July 30) that Home Affairs Enquiry Centres (HAECs) in 18 districts will resume the provision of declaration and oath service for private use on a limited basis starting from Monday (August 3).
     A spokesman for the HAD said, "Declaration and oath service has been suspended since July 20 upon the closure of HAECs due to the epidemic. In view of the keen demand for the service from the public, we will open some HAECs each weekday to provide declaration and oath service on a limited basis from next week onwards until the full resumption of HAEC service."
     In order to minimise group gathering, appointments for the service have to be made beforehand on a first-come-first-serve basis through respective district hotlines.  Walk-in requests for declaration and oath service will not be entertained. All other counter services of HAECs such as distribution of government forms and provision of free legal advice will continue to be suspended. 
     The opening schedule of HAECs and hotlines for making appointments for the service are shown in the Annex.