Protestors in Lan Kwai Fong participating in unauthorised assembly


Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     At around 8pm today (October 31), a large group of protestors occupied roads at the junction of D'Aguilar Street and Stanley Street and the junction of D’Aguilar Street and Queen's Road Central in Central, and confronted police officers. The protestors are committing an offence of “participating in an unauthorised assembly”. Police have warned the protestors at scene to leave immediately.
     As the vicinity of Lan Kwai Fong is very crowded, Police have taken crowd control management measures since 7.30pm. Members of the public are not allowed to enter the area. Since traffic flow has been affected, drivers are advised to stay tuned to the latest traffic arrangement.

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