Process Review Panel in relation to Regulation of Mandatory Provident Fund Intermediaries publishes 2019 Annual Report

     The Process Review Panel in relation to the Regulation of Mandatory Provident Fund Intermediaries (PRP) published its 2019 Annual Report today (September 6), covering the work of the PRP in the current review cycle, from November 1, 2017, to April 30, 2019, 18 months after the last review.
     Welcoming the publication of the 2019 Annual Report, the PRP Chairman, Dr Eddy Fong, said, "The PRP selected six cases relating to Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) intermediaries for detailed review. Leveraging on our Members' professional knowledge, the PRP has made constructive comments and suggestions to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) for enhancing the regulatory regime. I am also pleased to note the MPFA's favourable response and actions taken in response to the PRP's recommendations in past Annual Reports."
     Dr Fong added, "I am glad to learn that the MPFA has spared no effort in continuously improving the statutory regulatory regime of MPF intermediaries by ensuring the robustness and transparency of its internal operations."
     The 2019 Annual Report has been uploaded to the website of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau at
     The PRP attaches great importance to the views of the public and market participants. Comments relating to the PRP's work can be referred to the Secretariat of the PRP via email at