Process Review Panel for the SFC publishes annual report

     The Process Review Panel for the Securities and Futures Commission (PRP) today (December 30) published its annual report covering the work of the PRP in 2020-21. 

     The PRP Chairman, Mr Lawrence Lee, said, "In 2020-21, the PRP reviewed 60 completed or closed cases under different areas of the work of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). The PRP made a number of observations and recommendations to the SFC for its consideration, which would be conducive to the SFC's enhancement of procedures and guidelines.

     "We are thankful to the SFC for its co-operation and support in facilitating the work of the PRP, as well as its positive response to the PRP's recommendations," he added.

     The annual report has been uploaded onto the website of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (  

     The PRP welcomes views of market participants and the public on the PRP's work. They may express their views by sending email to the PRP (